As a former lawyer turned fashion designer I’ve always seen the industry as an outsider. I‘ve worked on 7th Avenue in New York and for large corporations like The Gap and Levi Strauss & Company. Then, after working for the big guys and running my own childrenswear brand, for more than 30 years combined, I began to see people caring about the fate of the planet and recognizing the role fashion plays in climate change. More and more I began to see people practicing small steps toward a circular economy and embracing slow fashion. Not only this, but many, instead of reflexively embracing consumer-driven capitalistic values, were and are now rejecting designed obsolescence and recognizing it for what it always has been and still is. Marketing.

I started Circle Ahead magazine in early 2021 with the following primary and optimistic message. That bestowing upon a garment a second, third or fourth life is a powerful environmental act and something we all as clothing lovers should view as our new collective imperative.


In trying to increase awareness around fashion sustainability, I consciously decided to produce a hard copy version of the magazine, printed on 100% recycled paper using soy and vegetable-based inks. My primary motivation is to edify – to expose Baby Boomers and Gen Xers in particular, to a new way of approaching fashion, style and consuming. (Millennials & Gen Z generally speaking have a pretty good handle on slow fashion and climate change). I figured, what better way to appeal to the oldies (and I count myself as a Boomer), than in the way we consumed media back in the day – in magazine form? (On this website, all issues are now also available in soft copy format.)


I’m not going to quote statistics and figures here but it is of concern that the U.S. throws away up to 11.3 million tons of textile waste each year, around 2,150 pieces of clothing each second. A depressing thought.


If you are here, you care about clothes. And I’m sure you agree that we should buy only what we need. So let’s support small businesses with ethical, small batch approaches, buy second hand, or purchase quality pieces that will last forever and can be passed on. Let’s upcycle, repair and mend what we already own or what we’ve thrifted, and create a new personal aesthetic. When it comes to self-expression, let’s reuse and wear repurposed designs to help us articulate our respective and unique individualism.


The pervasive theme amongst the people we’ve featured in all issues of Circle Ahead, is an outright and unanimous rejection of fashion conformity. Looking for answers in fashion trends is a dead end. Let’s stand united in our protection and stewardship of Mother Earth. And at the same time, let’s revel in our imperfection and in our own definition of beauty. Whatever that may look like!

Wati Grossman

Wati Grossman

@circle_ahead   @watidesign